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Belarusian university is looking for partners to collaborate on joint projects in the field of medical electronics, digital medicine and innovative technologies for the medicine

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 28-10-2021

Obbiettivi del progetto:


The Belarusian University has extensive experience in research and development in the field of medical electronics, innovative and digital technologies in medicine. The University is looking for industrial and scientific partners for joint projects on research and development of new technologies. They are also interested in participating in projects within the framework of European research funding programs, such as Horizon Europe.


The Belarusian University has extensive experience in research and development in the field of medicine, such as medical electronics, digital medicine and innovative technologies for the medicine. They are involved in different types of projects and have corresponding expertise and knowledge.
In the field of medical electronics University has experience in design and development of devices for cleaning and disinfection of surgical instruments, microcontrollers for medical devices and medical complexes based on electrical stimulation for monitoring and diagnostics of a person's physical state.
A number of laboratories of the University is involved in development and synthesis of new antiviral and antibacterial nanocoatings and nanocomposites for a wide range of applications. For example, air ventilation and conditioning disinfection systems, telephone covers, etc. There are also technologies based on plasma and plasmon particles for sterilization and disinfection of surfaces.
In the third field, digital medicine, their expertise covers:
1) Smart monitoring systems based on neural networks, cloud computing, BigData and IoT technologies.
2) Methods and algorithms for processing speech signals for hearing aids and detecting pathologies.
3) Computer modeling of processes in the human auditory system and modeling methods of auditory pathologies.
4) Data analysis and application of neural networks for medical image processing.
The University is looking for industrial and scientific partners for joint projects on research and development of new technologies. They are also interested in participating in projects within the framework of European research funding programs, such as Horizon Europe.

Advantages & innovations

The Belarusian University has participated and participates in European research projects. They have an experience of interaction with healthcare organizations for testing and validation of scientific developments. The University is familiar with various funding schemes and has experience in submitting project applications, as well as in their implementation and coordination; they are able to support the project in terms of evaluating ideas, technologies and concepts. The University has professional staff who can support knowledge and technology transfer, promotion and dissemination of information, organize conferences and webinars, provide project management (legal, operational and financial), as well as quality control and monitoring.

Stage of development

Prototype available for demonstration

Contact/ source: Enterprise Europe Network (