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A French greentech start-up specialized in carbon footprint evaluation of chemicals, polymers and health products seeks for business partners in Europe.

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 20-12-2022

Obbiettivi del progetto:

Short summary The French start-up specialized in carbon footprint evaluation of chemicals (synthetic, natural, bio-based), polymers and health products (drugs and medical devices), has developped an innovative way to conduct these evaluations at a lower cost and with higher quality results, using the life cycle assessment methodology and conforming with ISO and GHG Protocol standards. The French company is looking for business partners through commercial agreement or technologic agreement.

Full description The French company innovative solution can evaluate the carbon footprint of chemicals, polymers and health products with several objectives: - compare the carbon footprint and the environmental impact of a new technology, new product or new process as compared to the standard technology/product/process used in the market or compare to a competitor solution. It allows to highlight the environmental benefits of the R&D work and demonstrate how an R&D project can meet the European Green Deal objectives. - measure the carbon footprint and environmental impact of a new technology, new product or new process during the R&D work, in order to eco-design these new technology/product/process. It allows to build action plans and orient R&D works, in order to reduce the environmental impact of a product. - assess the carbon footprint of raw materials which are used to make a finished product. Since raw materials generally represent more than 50% of the carbon footprint of a finished product, it allows to better select the suppliers and help them reducing their carbon emissions, in order to optimise the environmental footprint of your finished product. The solution has been launched in November 2021, and more than 300 products have been evaluated in 1 year (medicines, medical devices, pharmaceutical active ingredients, chemical intermediates, chemical commodities, polymers, products made by fermentation, natural and bio-based products, formulations, products made in Europe, US and Asia, recycling processes,...)

Advantages and innovations The greentech solutin is 100% focused on the environmental evaluation of the production of chemicals, polymers, medicines and medical devices, so brings higher quality carbon footprint results, and can also evalute other environmental impacts (ressources depletion, eutrophication, land use...). The process can also bring solutions due to its long experience and wide network in these industrial sectors. The innovative process which has been developped is continuously improved with everyday projects. Being a partner in European projects is also a way to keey innovating for specific products.
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