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Nome del progetto:

Highly customised micro and nano fabbrication processes for microfluidic systems and biosensor platforms

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 24-05-2023

Obbiettivi del progetto:

Short summary Innovative start-up located in North eastern Italy develops micro and nanostructured devices and surfaces for cell biology studies, biosensors, and Labs-on-chips in the diagnostic and therapeutic fields, supporting the customer all the way from design to large-scale production. The company looks for clients to collaborate with in the frame of research cooperation agreements, manufacturing agreements as well as technical co-operation agreements.

Full description Thanks to a multidisciplinary team, the Italian start up company boasts a broad and solid know-how in micro and nanofabrication processes, in the design and implementation of microfluidic systems, and in the development of biosensor platforms. NanoPhoenix targets both public and private sector, nationally and internationally. The company Know-how includes expertise in: - Micro and Nanofabrication: Expertise in the use of Pulsed-NIL, an evolution of Nanoimprint Lithography. Pulsed-NIL is a fast, simple, versatile, and accurate manufacturing technology. - Biosensors (in particular electrochemical bio sensing): Expertise in the development of sensor platforms with EIS (Electrochemical Impedence Spectroscopy) and electrochemical transduction scheme coupled with high-performance micro and nanoelectrode arrays (MEA and NEA) to detect therapeutic molecules. - Microfluidics: Expertise in the development of manageable microfluidic circuits (witching, mixing, dispensing), with high-precision control of fluids, and labs-on-chips, devices that integrate multiple laboratory functions in a single chip for diagnostic and agri-food applications. - Tissue Engineering: We are strengthening our expertise in the development of biocompatible micro and nanostructured surfaces aimed at studying biological processes such as cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and interactions. The Italian company is ​​already on the market offering services aimed at developing customized micro and nano solutions. Among the different solutions that the company is ​​able to develop, the three verticals in which it is specialized are Substrates for cell cultures (cell morphology analysis, biomechanical analysis, co-culture development, standardization of cell cultures, organs-on-chips, etc.), Microfluidic and lab-on-chip devices (analysis of biological fluids in the therapeutic and diagnostic fields such as liquid biopsy) and Micro and nanoelectrodes and biosensors (biological samples analysis in the human, animal, and agri-food fields, therapeutic monitoring, etc.). The company offers cooperation in the frame of research cooperation agreements, manufacturing agreements as well as technical co-operation agreement

Advantages and innovations The Italian start up company exploits a series of micro and nano fabrication techniques of the highest level and precision applied to Life Sciences. Among these, it uses an innovative manufacturing technology, evolution of Nanoimprint Lithography, which has the advantage of being fast, simple, versatile, accurate and economical. The main advantage and innovation is the degree of customization: the startup is able to develop micro and nanostructured devices and surfaces tailored to the needs and requests of the customer, who can decide on dimensions, materials, geometry, and other parameters. Thank to these technologies, the company is able to create: - Micro and nanostructured surfaces reproducing the extracellular matrix physiological environment and surface topography, provided with an enhanced active surface that improves the efficiency of cell cohesion, proliferation, and differentiation. - Highly productive fluidic devices in different hydrophilic and non-absorbent materials with plug&play configuration. - Micro and nano electrodes & biosensors developed with high resolution and homogeneity for a fast, sensitive, and accurate measurement

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