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Italian SME is looking for partners interested in further developing its smartphone app matching pace frequency or heart rate with user favorite music.

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 26-01-2023

Obbiettivi del progetto:

Short summary An Italian SME, located in Sardinia and Piemonte, has developed an innovative app that supports training and physical activity, harmonizing the heartbeat with the BPM's of athletes’ favorite music. The app aims to use music as real-time feedback to reach personal training goals, keeping safety first. The SME is looking for partners (investors, R&S, Sports enterprises, IT, etc ) interested in further development of the app and driving it to market (BtoB or BtoC).

Full description The SME, established in 2009 and located in Sardinia, is focused on two topics: human motion (sports, rehabilitation, injury prevention and disability) and multisensory applied to wellness in architectural spaces. With this app, developed in collaboration with R&D center and University partners, the company, tried to answer and solve the request of users to find new ways to ease the training goals, making it more safe and more enjoyable. That is obtained by offering a real-time guide to the training that uses athletes' favorite music, not as a simple accompaniment for physical activity, but as point of reference to achieve training goals easily. The app aims to use music as real-time feedback to drive the user towards his training targets, keeping safety first since the heartbeat is monitored and the user, in case of inadequate acceleration, gets an alert to reduce the training intensity. This because the system allows one to hear the music only when in line with the planned training goals. If not, different kinds of acoustic cues are provided (slow or fast) to bring back the user to the right training rhythm. Slow cues are very important for safety because represent an alarm system when in heart rate modality, the user exceeds the set limit. The app is available in dual modalities: pace or heart rate for every kind of user, from beginners to professionals. It is not only for athletes but for example, 2 billion potential overweight users could be interested in an easy and pleasant system to practice physical activity. The app could be used as a stand-alone or integrated into other devices and solutions for training support. At the moment the app is developed for Android and the SME is looking for partners to further develop the app and an ios version. The app derives from a research project carried on with a private research institute and has been tested in collaboration with a university and a professional basketball team.

Advantages and innovations
  • The app is different from all the other physical activities trackers, which usually track all user data about its training, sometimes accompanying it with music, not in a harmonized way. The app uses music with a psycho-motivational purpose, keeping safety first. Regarding this point, fast acoustic cues stimulate the user to accelerate when the rhythm is too low, but slow acoustic cues advise her/him when they are overcoming the planned limit. The comparison that can be done is that the usual sports trackers are similar to the speed rallies, while this app is a sort of regularity rally. For this reason, it is fitter for every kind of user (athletes but also overweighted, aged etc).
  • The app can lead to different targets (btoc or btob) and business models, being used for training, rehabilitation, advertising, and collecting data for research or marketing targets

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