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Latvian company is looking for partner for testing and implementing the machine vision technology.

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 14-03-2023

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Short summary Latvian innovative company has developed the machine visIon technology and is looking for partner for testing and implementing the technology.They are looking for an industry partner, a company that deals with product development, consulting or quality control services, or provides tools for production for the development process.

Full description Computer vision technology is a field that uses knowledge of computer graphics, image processing, big data processing, and artificial intelligence to create systems that can recognize, process, and analyse images and videos. Network vision systems include: - Image classification - systems capable of identifying persons, objects and places in the image - Object detection - systems capable of recognizing and determining objects and their location in an image or video - Video analysis - systems capable of analysing video and tracking objects and events occurring in the image - Image comparison and recognition - systems capable of comparing images and determining whether they are identical or similar - Image synthesis and manipulation - systems capable of synthesizing new images from existing images and manipulating existing images. Various technologies such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are used to create such systems. These technologies are processed with large sets of images and videos so that they can learn and evolve to be able to perform image processing and analysis tasks with high accuracy. According to the TRL ("Technology readiness level", which is a method by which the maturity and development phase of a technology can be determined in the development process.) level, the product development level is on the final stage. The company experts work with programming and product recognition testing.

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought Companies initial goal is to develop, adjust and implement this technology for manufacturers as a quality control tool using machine vision/computer vision directly on production tapes to detect defects, imperfections or inaccuracies, e.g. in product labels, packages, etc. Therefore, they are probably also more inclined to a partner who is no stranger to quality control using IoT or AI technologies.
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