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R&D company specialized in biobased and recycled composites materials looks for a consortium on the HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-07 topic “High performance, circular-by design, bio-based composites”

Stato: Idea
Data di creazione: 27-04-2023

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Short summary A French SME specialised in the development of bio-sourced composites is looking for a consortium building a proposal on the topic “High performance, circular-by design, bio-based composites” (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-07) It has a specific expertise in natural fibres characteristics (bamboo, flax, basalt..) and in composites made with co-products (recycled used tyres). Entities preparing a proposal for the CBE topic or involved in previsous funded projects ECOXY, SUCHY, VIBES, BIZENTE are sought.

Full description Created in 2008, this French SME benefits from over ten years of experience in bio-based composites mainly for the transportation sector (automotive, aeronautics, naval...) but also for sports and leisures activitites. The company has also developed recently a portfolio of composites made with recycled used tyres. The SME is experienced in European projects, having participated in 3 projects: BRIGHT (bamboo bio-based fibres for aircraft cabin interior), BIOPANELS (bio-composite panels solutions for several applications) and MANIFICA Recycling (carbon fibre recycling process) The Circular Bio-based Europe fothcoming topic “High performance, circular-by design, bio-based composites” (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-07) is of high interest for the company and they are looking for a consortium to join. This call aims at: - Demonstrating the production of bio based (natural or synthetic) fibres in bio-based thermoplastic matrices. - Demonstrating the production of innovative fibres, matrix and formulation of bio-based additives - Meeting the technical performances required by the final application chosen - Design for sustainability with a safe-and-sustainable-by-design approach and with a focus on end-of-life With over then years of experience in natural fibres (bamboo, flax, basalt…) characteristics, bio-based composites made of co-products, bio-based composites development and their associated manufacturing processes... the company could contribute to all the objectives above. With a lot of experience in the development of bio-based composites for aeronautics, the company can particularly contributes to develop circular bio-based composites meeting high performance requirements. Thanks to its long expertise in bio-based composites, the company can also propose significant improvement of environmental performance across the value chain against specified fossil and/or bio-based benchmarks. For many years, all developments of new composites materials have been made considering the Life Cycle Analysis of the products, in order to reduce their environmental footprint. They are particularly interested in proposals with applications in mobility sectors where the constraints are high and hard to reach with 100% bio-based composite materials. All composites developed by the company address environmental stakes. Partner sought are academics or industries preparing a proposal targeting mobility sectors as aeronautics of automotive. It could be for instance, partners working on bio-based resins with specific requirements such as resistance to fire, good mechanical resistance, since today, this is the main issue to obtain 100% bio-based composites that would be usable in mobility sectors such as aeronautics or automotive The company is also open to discuss any other kind of collaboration either related to European calls participation or technological agreement.

Advantages and innovations The company has its own laboratory dedicated to the development of composites. It includes vacuum pumps, several heaters, measuring devices, precision balancing and specific tooling and testing for composites. It masters the processes of infusion, RTM (Resin transfer molding), Prepreg, RFI (Resin Film Infusion) and press. Thanks to these facilities, the company can develop a wide range of composites samples, and then builds propotypes or demonstrators from the chosen composites The company owns patents on composites products, and also secret know-how on manufacturing process.

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought Type or partner sought: Coordinator of a consortium preparing a proposal. It could be either a company or an academics specialised in Chemistry, Materials, Composites, Bio-sourced products, Circular economy. Entities involved in the following European projects are clearly in the scope: ECOXY, SUCHY, VIBES, BIZENTE. The partner sought will Integrate the expertise of the French SME in the proposal and assign it with the relevant tasks.

Contact / source: NEXT EEN Widgets (